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Business Online Banking

From the integration date, you will be able to discover all the benefits of the new Electronic Banking service for Businesses with access via

We will send you your code card by post and you will be able to use it beyond merely consulting transactions, in a secure way.

Above all, you will enjoy a new working environment, one that is intuitive, secure and highly professional.

Differentiated accesses for personal and business banking customers

What must I do if I access via Mobile Apps or tablets?

How many users can have access to BS Online Business?

How can I add new administrators and/or users with a signature?

Why must I change my current card?

I do not have a code card

I have received 2 cards, what do I need them for?

I already have a Banco Sabadell code card.

Will my regular transfers be maintained?

I have forgotten my access details, how can I recover them?

Why must I include the payment account number in the file content?

What happens if I don’t include the payment account number details?

Why must I change the contract?

What happens if I do not sign a new private contract?

Who should sign the contract?

I am not an authorised party