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Indicador de riesgo aplicable a la Cuenta Expansión Negocios y Cuenta Expansión Negocios Plus.

Indicador de riesgo
    Este número es indicativo del riesgo del producto, siendo 1/6 indicativo de menor riesgo y 6/6 de mayor riesgo.
    Banco de Sabadell, S.A. se encuentra adherido al Fondo Español de Garantía de Depósitos de Entidades de Crédito. La cantidad máxima garantizada actualmente por el mencionado Fondo es de 100.000 euros por depositante.

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We offer you all the financial services your chemist’s requires


Via Expansión Negocios Account, we offer you a wide range of financial solutions specific to your chemists’ business: from financing the lease transfer to purchasing the premises to focussed products and services to meet your needs.

With the assistance of a team of expert managers prepared to offer you immediate, personalised advice.

  • Finance the transfer of a chemist’s establishment.
  • Finance the purchase of premises for of a chemist’s establishment.

Financial solutions to make your day-to-day management easier, under special conditions:

  • Expansión Negocios Account
    Sight account for your day-to-day business operation and designed so self-employed people, merchants and small businesses can become great.
  • Loans for reform work.
    Loan with constant repayment charges and exclusive conditions.
  • Studies and courses loan
    Loan for financing university studies with constant repayment charges.
  • Creditpolicy
    Finance of treasury maladjustments with repayment over one year.
  • Sureties and guarantees
  • Autonomous Subsidy Protection
    A transparent, agile, and convenient insurance policy that protects you when you are ill and or have an accident.
  • Point of Sale Terminal
    with a wide range of terminals.
  • BS Online Empresa
    Disfrute de un servicio de banca a distancia gratuito.
Insurance policies mediated by BanSabadell Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado del Grupo Banco Sabadell, S.A., NIF A-03424223, with registered address at avda. Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered with the Mercantile Register of Alicante and the DGSyFP, under code N° OV-0004, acting on behalf of DKV Seguros y Reaseguros, SAE, carrying civil liability insurance in compliance with the current regulations on insurance distribution and private reinsurance.

Protección Subsidio Autónomo is a trade name corresponding to the product that DKV Seguros y Reaseguros, SAE, markets under the name of DKV Renta, with its own specifications and technical notes for the products that are publicly available at the insurer's registered office. DKV Seguros y Reaseguros, SAE with Tax ID A-50004209 and registered office at Torre DKV, avda. María Zambrano, 31, 50018 Zaragoza, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Zaragoza and in the Administrative Registry of Insurance Entities of the DGSyFP with code number C0161.

You can find the insurance companies with which BanSabadell Mediación has entered into an insurance agency contract at the website