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Single limit for your most common operations

By means of a single contract and a single current account, Crediglobal enables the most common national and international operations to be carried out for financing your company's working capital, with the possibility of establishing, within the overall limit of the contract, a credit sublimit.



  • Easier management of your operations with the bank, by having an open line of risk available, adaptable to the different and changing needs of your company.
  • Lower cost in expenses and time saving in formalisation procedures, facilitating decision making with regard to the products that can be used, by not having to formalise a contract for each type of operation.
  • Unused products cause no inconveniences or expenses for your company. They are options that you have at your disposal should you need them. The daily amounts of the unused credit sublimit, if this has been formalised, can be used for other options in the Crediglobal contract (discounts, guarantees, etc.).
  • This is a simple product on an operational level as there is only one current account through which all the operations included in the contract are channelled.


Operations covered

The operations that this contract covers include:

  • Credit limit policy
  • Bill portfolio
    • Trade discount record
    • Commercial receipt discount (Norm 32)
    • Commercial credit discount (Norm 58)
    • Direct Debit discount SEPA (CORE & B2B)
    • Advance of invoices, building work certifications and VAT repayments
  • Financing
    • Resource factoring
    • Confirming
    • Advance for exports
    • Export prefinancing
    • Import financing
  • Foreign trade
    • Opening of documentary credits impor
  • Guarantees national & international

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