Withdraw cash for free at our ATMs1 and pay without having to use physical cash with your free debit card, with no issuance or maintenance fees.
Created for those who are legally resident in the EU, asylum seekers or whose expulsion is not possible for legal or de facto reasons and need a personal account to manage their money2.
The keys to your Basic Payment Account
Account administration and maintenance fee: 3 euros/month.
The account is settled on a quarterly basis (9 euros/quarter). Representative examples of the Basic Payment Account APR: -1.195% NIR: 0%, calculated on the assumption that an average balance of 3,000 euros is maintained constantly for 1 year; APR: -3.552% NIR 0%, calculated on the assumption that an average balance of 1,000 euros is maintained constantly for 1 year. The APR will vary according to the average balance amount. Customers who are recognised as being in a situation of special vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion may request free access to the basic payment account (0% APR) and to the services indicated. The condition must be met by all account holders, and they must provide the bank with all the documentation required to accredit such situation. Representative example in the case of customers with special vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion Example calculated for a case in which an average balance of 1,000 euros is maintained constantly for 1 year, applying an interest rate of 0% NIR, 0% APR and the administration and maintenance fee of 0 euros/year (0 euros/quarter).A customer shall be considered to be in a situation of special vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion when:
The gross income, calculated annually and per family unit, does not exceed the following thresholds:
There is no direct or indirect ownership, or any secured right over real property, excluding the main residence, or secured ownership of commercial companies, by any of the members of the family unit.
Unmarried partners shall have the same status as unmarried spouses who are not legally separated, if they have been formed in accordance with the requirements applicable to them.
1 Free cash withdrawals with debit cards for any amount at Banco Sabadell ATMs and for debit transactions equal to or greater than €60 at ATMs of the main banks in the EURO 6000 network: Abanca, Ibercaja, Kutxabank, Unicaja Bank, Liberbank, CajaSur, Caixa Ontinyent, and Colonya Caixa Pollença.
2 Only natural persons legally resident in the European Union, as well as persons seeking asylum or whose expulsion is not possible for legal or factual reasons, may hold this account and undertake to use the account and the services linked to it exclusively for their private activity, and in no case for commercial, business, professional or professional purposes.
* Granting of the credit card is subject to the bank's risk criteria and approval, after the relevant risk and viability study has been conducted.