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Exchange rate insurance

Exchange rate insurance

An exchange insurance is a commitment by means of which the client and the Bank are mutually obliged to exchange an amount of foreign currency at a fixed price at a future date.


1. Importer

If your company is an importer in USD, you will have to buy a determined amount of USD at a future date, benefiting from high contribution levels of the EUR/USD.

An exchange insurance will guarantee you a fixed purchase price , regardless of the evolution of the contribution of the EURUSD. The fixed exchange rate can be higher (foreign currency with premium) or lower (foreign currency with discount) than that of the day of the contract.

With the exchange insurance, on maturity, you will buy the nominal established at the fixed rate.


The exchange insurance does not allow you to profit from the possible favoorable fluctuations of the foreign currency.


  • Despite the obligation of carrying out the operation, the settlement can take place before its maturity , total or partial, with the maintenance of the prearranged change, except for the refund of the premium or discount corresponding to the notice period.
  • Can lead to a new maturity with the final effect of maintenance of the prearranged change initially updated with the premium, or the discount corresponding to the period redressed.
  • You can take out a contract in real time and with constantly up-to-date prices by means of our service BS Online Companies


2. Exporter

If your company is an exporter in USD, you will have to sell a determined amount of USD at a future date, benefiting from low contribution levels of the EURUSD.

An exchange insurance will guarantee you a fixed sale price , regardless of the evolution of the contribution of the EURUSD. The fixed exchange rate can be higher (foreign currency with premium) or lower (foreign currency with discount) than that of the day of the contract.

With the exchange insurance, on maturity, you will sell the nominal established at the fixed rate.


The exchange insurance does not allow you to profit from the possible favourable fluctuations of the foreign currency.


  • Despite the obligation of carrying out the operation, the settlement can take place before its maturity , total or partial, with the maintenance of the prearranged change, except for the refund of the premium or discount corresponding to the notice period.
  • Can lead to a new maturity with the final effect of maintenance of the prearranged change initially updated with the premium, or the discount corresponding to the period redressed.
  • Can take out a contract in real time and with constantly up-to-date prices by means of our service BS Online Companies


3. Variants

Cash option

Firm compromise whereby your company and the Bank are mutually obliged to respect an agreed exchange rate for the purchase or sale of one foreign currency against another (in general euros) within a period between two dates established beforehand. The fixed exchange rate can be higher (foreign currency with premium) or lower (foreign currency with discount) than that of the day of contract.

During each period you will be been able to carry out several provisions, without exceeding the maximum monthly limit.

The cash option does not allow you to profit from the possible favourable fluctuations of the foreign currency.

Forward periodic

Foreign exchange risk coverage instrument both for export and import, similar to the exchange insurance, in which a fixed price is established for a maximum period of one year , with a monthly arrangement calendar.

The monthly periods will be consecutive and will begin on the established date. During every period you will be able to make several provisions, without exceeding the maximum monthly limit.

The forward periodic acts as a succession of cash options monthly, but with one price for all. It allows closing the price of a whole campamarketing campaign at an attractive change in comparison with other cover instruments.

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