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Financed Assets Protection

Financed Assets Protection

Financed assets

This type of insurance covers the damages and material losses suffered due to the insured machinery, as a result of an accidental cause, sudden and unforeseen, provided that the aforementioned machinery has been financed by means of leasing or loan.

It is aimed at those companies, shops, freelancers , professionals and business people that carry out a commercial, industrial, professional or service business activity, and that have financed the purchase of a machine by means of leasing or loan, that requires insurance.


Services and advantages

  • Advising on any question related to the prevention of claims
  • Maintenance of the validity and effectiveness of the contracts
  • Accident management that is fast and efficient
  • Possibility of financing the insurance premium together with the financing of the acquired machinery
  • Complete cover of breakdown of machinery at very competitive prices
  • Possibility of insuring public works machinery
  • Without application of Proportional Rule in the event of claim
  • Coverage for partial repairs


Options and coverage

There are two types of contract to choose from: basic range and with breakdowns.

Financed Goods Protection
  Basic With Breakdowns
Fire, explosion, lightning, smoke, soot and corrosive fumes
Theft and robbery
Acts of vandalism or harmful intent
Gale, hailstorm, frost, thaw, actions of water and humidity
Catastrophic Risks Cover (C.R.C.)
Lack of skill, negligence and acts of harmful intent due to the staff of the Policyholder or strangers  
The direct action of electrical energy as a consequence of short circuits, electric arcs, power surges and other similar effects  
Design, calculation or assembly mistakes, foundry, material, construction, labour defects, and use of defective materials  
Lack of water in boilers and other devices producing steam  
Centrifugal force, only loss or damage suffered due to breakdown in the machine itself  
Fall, impact or collision, as well as blockage or entry of foreign bodies  
Lubrication defects, loosening of pieces, abnormal efforts and overheating  
Breakdown of regulation devices  

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