Fixed Mortgage¹
Offer for spanish residents and income currency in euros

Bring your mortgage
Do you have a mortgage with another bank and want to bring it
to Banco Sabadell?
Don't worry, we'll take care of it.
Why take out a fixed-rate mortgage?

Your monthly instalment (and interest rate) will remain the same forever.

You will be able to finance up to 80 % of your mortgage3 and repay it over a maximum term of 30 years.

We take care of the administration and land registry fees.

No arrangement fee4 (subject to compliance with the established conditions).
Would you like to have a more flexible and competitive mortgage?
You might be interested in our variable-rate mortgage.

Calculate your mortgage repayment
Find out what your approximate monthly repayment would be and which mortgage is best suited to you..
Mortgage calculatorWhy trust Banco Sabadell with your mortgage?

We are by your side
Our team of experts will be by your side from start to finish to make everything easier.

Designed just for you
With a 100% personalised price and a service suited to your needs.

More than 14,000 clients have trusted us to make their new home a reality over the last year.

Code of Good Practices
You can check the «2022 Code of Good Practices (CBP22)» for mortgage borrowers at risk of vulnerability.
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More informationFrequently Asked Questions
It is normal to have queries when you are considering taking out a mortgage. Here are some of the most common questions you may have.
How much can my mortgage cover?
The mortgage can cover up to 80 % of the purchase price or the valuation (whichever is the lower) for the first home. Up to 70 % for second homes.
How much should my monthly mortgage expense be?
What are the discounts and how can they benefit me?
What documentation do I need to submit to apply for my mortgage?
Glossary: NIR, APR and other mortgage-related concepts
Valuation of the property
Registry verification
FIPRE (pre-contractual information sheet)
What do I need to know if I want to buy a property in Andalusia?
SEPA Collections and payments
1. Conditions valid until 04/05/2025.
Offer valid only for individuals (without business purpose) residing in Spain, with the exception of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, who have income and assets only in euros.
For a home transaction to be formalized or concluded in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, please consult your branch for the existing special offer.
The interest rate conditions, the granting of the loan, its amount and the repayment period for each transaction requested will be subject to the bank’s risk analysis.
Representative examples in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legal regulations. In particular, in loan contracts subject to the scope of application of Law 5/2019, of March 15, 2009, regulating real estate credit contracts, the representative example will be determined in accordance with the criteria established in letter d) of article 4.5 of Order EHA/1718/2010, of June 11.
The mortgage may cover up to 80% of the purchase price or the appraised value (whichever is lower) for first residences. For second residences the mortgage can cover up to 70%.
Installment and interest calculation formulas:
Formula for calculating monthly payments:
Calculation of the monthly fee:

N = outstanding principal of the loan
i = nominal interest expressed as so much per one
p = amortization periods in one year
t = number of years of the amortization period outstanding
Formula for calculating the part corresponding to interest of the installment:
Calculation of the quota corresponding to interest of the quota:

N = outstanding principal of the loan
i = nominal interest expressed as so much per one
p = amortization periods in one year
In the representative examples, to calculate the installment in the subsidized fixed mortgage we would substitute "N" for 150,000 (initial capital of the mortgage), "i" for 0.025 (nominal annual interest rate divided by 100), "p" for 12 (number of installments to be paid per year) and "t" for 30 (number of years), obtaining an installment of 592.68 € to be paid each month.
In the above example, the interest portion of the installment is calculated by substituting "N" for 150,000 (initial mortgage principal), "i" for 0.025 (nominal annual interest rate divided by 100) and "p" for 12 (number of amortization periods in a year), resulting in an amount of €312.50 corresponding to the interest on the first month's installment. The remaining amount of the installment, after deducting the interest portion, is what is used for capital amortization.
In the representative examples, to calculate the installment in the non-subsidized fixed mortgage we would substitute "N" for 150,000 (initial capital of the mortgage), "i" for 0.035 (nominal annual interest rate divided by 100), "p" for 12 (number of installments to be paid per year) and "t" for 30 (number of years), obtaining an installment of 673.57 € to be paid each month.
In the above example, the interest portion of the installment is calculated by substituting "N" for 150,000 (initial mortgage principal), "i" for 0.035 (nominal annual interest rate divided by 100) and "p" for 12 (number of amortization periods in a year), resulting in an amount of € 437.50 corresponding to the interest on the first month's installment. The remaining amount of the installment, after deducting the interest portion, is what is used for capital amortization.
Amortization system and formula for calculating principal and interest amortization:
- For the calculation of the installment to be paid, the French amortization system is used, which is characterized as a system of constant installments. That is to say, the same amount is paid every month, provided that the interest rate applicable to the transaction does not vary during the settlement period, or that no early amortizations are made.
- The mortgage installment is composed of a part of interest and a part of amortization of the total amount of the loan. Since the installment to be paid is constant, as the outstanding principal of the mortgage is reduced, the interest generated on this principal is lower. Therefore, during the first years of the mortgage, a greater amount of interest is paid than principal and during the final period of the loan, more principal is paid and less interest is paid.
Representative examples:
The APR of the following representative examples may vary depending on the repayment term and the amount financed.
- 2.50% NIR (3.66% APR).
- Term: 30 years (for other repayment periods, consult your branch).
- Instalments: 359 instalments of €592.68/month and a final instalment of €593.58.
- Total amount of the mortgage loan: €150,000.
- Total cost of the mortgage: €95,645.62 (€63,365.70 is interest).Total amount payable: €245,645.62.
- Total amount payable: €245,645.62
- Maximum discounted: direct deposit of salary or pension taking out associated insurance: Constant Capital Life Protection Insurance, Home Protection Insurance and Total Payment Protection Insurance with Banco Sabadell.
What does the APR calculation include?
- Arrangement fee: 0 € (0%).
- Total amount of mortgage interest: 63,365.70 €.
- Contracting a Sabadell Account: 60 €/quarter.
- Home Protection Insurance: the cost for contracting this insurance, which includes damage coverage through Banco Sabadell, is 12.99 €/month. The cost of this insurance will vary depending on the time of contracting and, among other factors, on the characteristics of the property to be mortgaged, the insured capital and the guarantees contracted. The amount shown is merely indicative, taking as an example a mortgage loan whose capital amounts to 150,000 € and for a building of 100,00.00 € whose type of property is an intermediate apartment with a surface area of 100 m2 built.
- Constant capital life insurance with a quarterly premium to be maintained throughout the life of the mortgage: 63.38 €/quarter (example for a 30 year old man).
- Total Payment Protection Insurance with an annual premium to be maintained throughout the life of the mortgage: €415.66/year. With coverage of 100% of the mortgage payment in the event of unemployment or sick leave.
- Registry verification costs: €25.41.
- Appraisal costs: €302.71.
There will be a six-monthly review of the contracting of the products to which the applicable interest rate is conditioned in the case of contracting the mortgage with a discount.
- 3.50% NIR (3.98% APR)
- Term: 30 years (for other repayment periods, consult your branch).
- Instalments: 359 instalments of € 673.57/month and a final instalment of € 671.67.
- Total amount of the mortgage loan: €150,000.
- Total cost of the mortgage: €104,687.82. (€92,483.30 is interest).
- Total amount payable: €254,687.82.
What is included in the APR calculation?
- Origination fee: 0 € (0%).
- Total amount of mortgage interest: 92,483.30 €.
- Contracting a Sabadell Account: 60 €/quarter.
- Mandatory damage insurance during the whole life of the mortgage (it is not necessary to contract it with Banco Sabadell): Banco Sabadell does not market insurance that only includes damage coverage, therefore, the APR calculation has been made taking into account the premium resulting from simulating Banco Sabadell's Home Protection insurance (which includes damage coverage) whose cost has been estimated at €12.99/month. The cost of this insurance will vary depending on the time of contracting and, among other factors, on the characteristics of the property to be mortgaged, the insured capital and the guarantees contracted. The amount shown is merely indicative taking as an example a mortgage loan whose capital amounts to 150,000 € and for a building of 100,000.00 € whose type of property is an intermediate apartment with a surface area of 100 m2 built.
- Costs of registry verification: 25.41 €.
- Appraisal costs: 302.71 €.
Differences between combined and separate product offerings
The offer of combined or separate products will affect the costs I and the early cancellation II of the loan or its combined products.
I) Costs. The cost of contracting the Home Protection, Constant Capital Life and total payment protection insurance is independent of contracting the loan, so it has the same cost as if it was contracted individually.
II) Effects of early cancellation of the loan or any of the combined products. The effects that the early cancellation of the loan or any of the combined products would produce on the joint cost of the loan and the rest of the combined products or services will form part of the personalized information that will be provided through the European Standardized Information Sheet (FEIN).
Additional Information
Representative examples of loans with a mortgage guarantee on properties for residential use intended to finance the purchase of housing by individuals who act as consumers. Operation subject to prior approval by Banco Sabadell. The advisory service is not provided. Interest rate conditions subject to risk analysis by Banco Sabadell. These conditions may vary depending on the result of the risk analysis. In accordance with article 1911 of the Civil Code, which enshrines the principle of universal responsibility, in case of non-payment, the debtor, and, where appropriate, their guarantors or joint guarantors and mortgage guarantors, will respond with all their present and future assets, being able to lose your home/s and/or any other property you own.
Additional information about the insurance associated with your mortgage:
- Home Protection and Total Payment Protection are insurance policies of BanSabadell Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with Tax ID Number (NIF) A64194590 and address at calle Isabel Colbrand, 22, 28050 Madrid, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid and in the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP with code no. C-0767.
- Constant Capital Life Protection is an insurance of BanSabadell Vida, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros, with Tax ID Number (NIF) A08371908 and address at calle Isabel Colbrand, 22, 28050 Madrid, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid and in the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP with code no. C-0557.
Insurance mediated by BanSabadell Mediación, Banking-Insurance Operator Linked to the Banco Sabadell, S.A. Group, NIF A-03424223, with address at avda. Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante and in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Brokers of the DGSyFP with code number OV-0004, having subscribed civil liability insurance in accordance with the provisions of the private insurance and reinsurance distribution regulations in force at all times. You can check the insurance companies with which BanSabadell Mediación has entered into an insurance agency contract on the website Check here the information of the Insurance Broker.