ICO Guarantee SGR / SAECA
Banco Sabadell has subscribed the ICO Guarantee SGR Line / SAECA, aimed at financing investment projects both within and outside national territory and to cover liquidity needs.
Autónomos, Spanish self-employed workers, public and private companies and entities (foundations, NGOs, local government bodies), including both businesses registered in Spain and those which are registered abroad but have at least 30% Spanish company capital and which possess the guarantee of a SGR or SAECA.
Investments eligible for financing:
Up to 100% of the liquidity requirements or requirements for corporate projects, with a maximum of 2 million euros per client, in one or more transactions.
Among others:- Liquidity requirements such as running costs, payrolls, supplier payments, purchase of merchandise, etc.
- Acquisition of new or second-hand fixed assets.
- Industrial and passenger vehicles.
- Adjustments and reforms of facilities.
- Acquisition of companies.
- The creation of businesses abroad.
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