Sabadell Protección
An insurance plan designed specially for you.
give you better protection

Need insurance? And if you do, have you checked if it actually protects you? Sabadell Protection has an answer for any question you can ask.

Advantages of the plan
We use a personalised study to analyse which policies best cover your needs.
Continued support from your advisor and an annual review of your plan.
Payment in instalments without supplement for nany new policies you take out.

- 38 years old.
- Married.
- Spends 9 hours a day outside her home.

Sabadell Protección
which includes:



- 40 years old.
- 2 children.
He lives in a rented property
1 hour away from work.

Sabadell Protección
which includes:


Life Care

about you?
Sabadell Protección is designed for only natural persons resident in Spain.
Insurance products included in Sabadell Protección: Life Care, Life Care Premium, Life Care 10, Premium Accidents, Mediterráneo Life Insurance, Fidelidad Life Insurance, Life Care, Renewable Temporary Life, Vida Express, Vida Mujer, Plan 10, Serious Illnesses, Health Protection, Health Protection Premium, Dental Protection, Caser Previsalud Igualado NTP, Caser Previsalud Prestigio, Caser Previsalud Igualado, Caser Previsalud Integral, Caser Salud Activa, Caser Médica, Caser Dental, Death Protection, Caser Family Insurance, Caser Repatriación Completa, Caser Familiar Creciente, Home Protection, Mediterráneo Home, Penedés Hogar Oro, Penedés Hogar Colectivo Simple, Caser Hogar, Caser Hogar Protección BMN, Penedés Incendios, Caser Incendios, Caser Multirriesgo Hogar, Car Protection, Car/Motorcycle Protection, Caser Automóviles, Caser Nuevo Producto de Autos y Caser Automóviles MAAF.
Life Care, Life Care Premium , Life Care 10 and Premium Accidents are policies by Bansabadell Vida, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros, with Tax ID. A08371908 and registered offices in calle Isabel Colbrand, 22, 28050 Madrid. Registered with the Companies Register of Madrid and the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code C-0557.
Home Protection and Car Protection are policies from BanSabadell Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with tax I.D. A64194590 and registered office in Calle Isabel Colbrand, 22, 28050 Madrid, registered in Madrid Companies Register and in the Register of Insurance Entities of the DGS and FP, with code C-0767.
Mediterráneo Life Insurance, Fidelidad Life Insurance and Life Care are policies from Mediterráneo Vida, S.A., de Seguros y Reaseguros, Tax ID. A-03359635 and registered offices in Avenida Oscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante. Registered with the Companies Register of Alicante and the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code C-0677.
Vida Temporal Renovable, Vida Express, Vida Mujer, Plan 10 and Serious Illnesses are policies from Sa Nostra Compañía de Seguros de Vida, S.A. with Tax ID. A07289531 and registered offices in Avda Comte de Sallent, 2 2ª Planta, 07003 Palma de Mallorca. Registered with the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code C-0643.
Health Protection, Health Protection Premium, Dental Protection and Death Protection are policies from DKV Seguros y Reaseguros, Sociedad Anónima Española (Sociedad Unipersonal), Tax ID A50004209, with registered offices in Spain, WTCZ – Edificio DKV - Avenida María Zambrano 31, 50018, Zaragoza. Registered with the Companies Register of Zaragoza and the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code C-0161.
Caser Previsalud Igualado NTP, Caser Previsalud Prestigio, Caser Previsalud Igualado, Caser Previsalud Integral, Caser Salud Activa, Caser Médica, Caser Dental, Caser Seguro Familiar, Caser Repatriación Completa, Caser Familiar Creciente, Caser Hogar, Caser Hogar Protección BMN, Caser Incendios, Caser Multirriesgo Hogar, Caser Automóviles, Caser Nuevo Producto de Autos and Caser Automóviles MAAF, are policies from Caja de Seguros Reunidos Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. - CASER -, Tax ID. A28013050 and registered offices in Avenida de Burgos, 109, 28050 Madrid. Registered with the Companies Registry of Madrid and the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSFyP under code C-0031. Only Caser policies originating from Caixa Penedés are included.
Penedés Hogar Oro, Penedés Hogar Colectivo Simple and Penedés Incendios are products from Caser Mediterráneo Seguros Generales S.A., Tax ID. A58771247 and registered offices in Burgos, 109, 28050 Madrid. Registered with the Companies Register of Madrid and the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code C-652.
Hogar Mediterráneo is a policy from Ergo Generales Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Tax ID. A28072940 and registered offices in Avda. de Concha Espina, 63, 28016 Madrid. Registered with the Administrative Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code C-0120.
Car/Motorcycle Protection is a policy from Zurich Insurance plc. Branch in Spain, holder of Tax ID. W0072130H and registered offices in calle Agustín de Foxá, 27, 28036 Madrid. Registered with the Companies Register of Madrid and the Registry of Insurance Companies of the DGSyFP under code E-0189.
Insurances brokered by BanSabadell Mediación, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado del Grupo Banco Sabadell, S.A., NIF A-03424223, with registered address in avda. Óscar Esplá, 37, 03007 Alicante, registered in the Comp. Reg. of Alicante and in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Brokers of the DGSyFP under code no. OV-0004, carrying civil liability insurance pursuant to the provisions of the law on the distribution of private insurance and reinsurance. You can verify the insurance companies with which BanSabadell Mediación has signed insurance agency contracts at web
Advertisement subject to the terms set forth in the Sabadell Protection contract.