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Banco Sabadell Investment Funds

Wide range of funds

Find out about our investment fundsFind out about our investment funds
With experts in fund management 

A wide range of investment funds for you to choose from, depending on the risk you want to take and the investment term.

Choose from guaranteed investment funds, fixed income, equity or mixed funds: find the option that best suits what you are looking for. 

High diversification. Diversification of investment funds generally helps to reduce investment risk.

Investing with your trusted institution is synonymous with peace of mind. Sabadell Asset Management has more than 35 years of investment experience.

Cartera Sabadell

Start investing in a simple way with the help of experts with Cartera Sabadell

Delegate the investment of your assets to experts. This will allow you to access investment opportunities through a highly diversified portfolio, both by asset classes and geographically.

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Profiled funds

Trust in an investment fund adapted to your strategy

Choose between a Cautious, Balanced or Dynamic profile. Find out which one suits you best and start investing from as little as €30.

About profiled investment funds
Consolida Fund Range

If you are looking for a safety net, these are the funds for you

Banco Sabadell's Consolida Funds allow you to participate in the performance of the markets with partial protection of your capital. 

Discover the Consolida Range funds
Impact investing

Make a commitment to social responsibility in your investments

With the Fondo Sabadell Inversión Ética y Solidaria, FI1, make your investments with business, economic and financial criteria, but also ethically, socially and environmentally minded.

Sabadell Asset Management donates a part of its Fund management fee to charitable causes. With these contributions, it support the achievement of 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Thematic investment funds

The perfect combination between the latest trends and the search for profitability

A commitment to the big changes in the world: medical technology, climate action and digitalisation. Start investing without the need for a large amount of capital and with the added value of our experts. 

Learn about thematic investment funds
Invest on your own

Your investment fund from €30 and with a diversified offer

We have a wide range of funds so you can choose the one that best suits the risk and time horizon you prefer, from the app itself or through the website.

Invest in our investment funds

Compare Banco Sabadell's Investment Funds 


Profiled Funds

Depending on your profile
As a cautious, balanced or dynamic investor. Choose the one that best suits you.
No need for a large amount of capital. From only €30.
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Consolida Fund Range

For those seeking a safety net
Funds that allow you to participate in the performance of the markets with partial protection of your capital, which varies according to the fund you choose.
From as little as €30 and with full liquidity: withdraw your money whenever you want2.
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Thematic investment funds

Invest in trends and change the world
Back medical technology, climate action or digitalisation.
You don't have to have a large amount of capital, and you can access your money when you need it.
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Invest on your own

A wide range of products to suit you
You choose how to invest, depending on your risk profile and preferred time horizon.
Choose the fund that best fits what you are looking for.
From as little as € 30 and with full liquidity: withdraw your money whenever you want.
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 If the markets that you invest in don’t perform as expected, the fund may suffer a loss. This is why you must carefully analyse the risk of each fund and decide to what extent you wish to accept that your investment may be worth less at the moment of its redemption than it was upon the initial investment. 

Make your contributions to your Banco Sabadell fund

Make your contributions and invest at different times to reduce the probability of losses, without exposing yourself to an adverse market situation. 
And if you are looking to transfer your fund to Banco Sabadell from another entity, ask for an appointment and a manager will take care of everything. 
Contribute to your Banco Sabadell fund
Contribute to your Banco Sabadell fund

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We answer your most frequently asked questions

Do you want to make your savings profitable?

If the answer is yes, investment funds may appeal to you, although they can incur losses. If you simply want to leave your savings in a piggy bank to keep them safe, perhaps what you’re looking for is something like a savings account. 

How long do you want to keep your money in an investment fund?

To increase the likelihood of profitability, each fund needs a minimum investment time, which is what we call the minimum recommended time horizon. Our funds have full and immediate liquidity, so you can withdraw your money whenever you want, but please note that withdrawing your money before the recommended time horizon is reached increases the risk of capital loss. 

What risk are you willing to take?

Each fund has its risk, which is measured on a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being the fund with the lowest risk and 7 the one with the highest. It is important to know that category 1 doesn’t mean that the investment is risk-free. In other words, if the performance of the markets in which you invest is not as expected, the fund may make a loss (even if it is in category 1). This is why you must carefully analyse the risk of each fund and decide to what extent you wish to accept that your investment may be worth less at the moment of its redemption than it was upon the initial investment. 


Investment fund: Investment funds are collective investment undertakings, formed by the contributions of a group of people, called unit holders. The individual result obtained by each Unit holder is a consequence of the performance obtained by the collective of investors.   

Unit holder: The person who invests in the investment fund.   

Net asset value: It is the price of each holding at a given point in time. It is calculated by dividing the equity by the number of units.   

Profitability: Depending on the performance of the assets in the fund’s portfolio, an investment fund can have a positive or negative return. It is determined by taking into account the initial net asset value (i.e. the money invested at the beginning) and the final net asset value (i.e. the resulting money just before redemption, either negative or positive). 

Redemption: This is to withdraw the money invested when the fund has exceeded its time horizon or when the investor wishes to do so. If the fund has suffered losses during the investment period, the investor will not get back the money invested at the beginning. If, on the other hand, the fund has made a profit, the investor will get back the money invested plus any profits. 


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HomeInvestment Investment Funds