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Type of financing with which you can acquire your fixed assets. Leasing is a medium- to long-term financial leasing arrangement under which the bank finances the acquisition of new or user fixed assets that your company or business may need. You pay in periodic instalments and have the option to purchase at the end of the lease period.

Characteristics of leasing

You can enjoy the interesting advantages of this financing system:

  • Financing of up to 100% of the amount of the article to be acquired.
  • Choice of type of operation: fixed or variable rate.
  • It is a deductible expense. Financing your investments under a leasing arrangement signifies tax deducting the investment in approximately half the time for straight-line amortisation of the investment.
  • The minimum financing terms are 2 years for machinery and vehicles and 10 years for real estate.
  • Financing the VAT of the purchase – sale.
Types of leasing

Machinery and equipment

Industrial and commercial vehicles

Real estate


Agriculture and livestock

Leasing line

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