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Lorry Protection

Lorry Protection

Lorry protection

BS Lorry Protection is an insurance for industrial vehicles that weigh over 3,500 Kg such as vans, lorries, trucks and tractors, trailers and semitrailers, that meet the following characteristics:

  • New and own vehicles financed via leasing, loans or credits from Banco Sabadell
  • Usual drivers, older than 25 years and who have held a driving licence for over two years (either named drivers or authorised people)
  • That do not transport dangerous goods
  • Spanish number plates
  • National and international circulation, where international means the countries that appear on the International Insurance Certificate


Services and advantages

  • Travel assistance 24 hours a day, from Km 0 in Spain and abroad
  • Defence and claims in Europe
  • Management of fines for actions derived from infractions of the Road Safety Law
  • Free choice of car repair shop
  • Expert's report within 24 hours
  • Advising the company according to its needs
  • Accident management that is fast and efficient.
  • Convenience of dividing insurance payments.
  • Discount according to the circulation zone and application of bonus up to 40%.
  • Annual policy


Options and coverage

There are two modalities to choose from: a highly competitive basic package and a package with additional cover.

Lorry Protection
  Basic Complete
Obligatory and voluntary subscription for civil liability
Defence and claims
Total loss for own damage
Theft of the vehicle
Travel assistance
Extraordinary risks
Civil liability of the load 1  
Fine and accident claim 2  

1 Maximum 60,000€
2 18,000€ capital for death and disability

Optionally and for each modality headlight insurance can be contracted.

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