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Auto Protection

Auto Protection

Auto Protection

BS Auto Protection is an insurance policy for cars and vans registered to the company of less than 3,500 kgs in weight, purchased or financed through leasing.
Established especially to protect responsible drivers, over the age of 25, who have held a driving licence for at least two years.


Services and advantages

  • Travel assistance from Km 0, 24 hours a day in Spain and abroad
  • Defence and claims in Europe
  • Management of fines for actions derived from infractions of the Road Safety Law
  • Free choice of car repair shop
  • Expert's report centers for verifications of the vehicle
  • Expert's reports by telephone via a highly qualified network, with access to priority repair.
  • Accident management that is fast and efficient
  • Saving of up to 30% compared to your current policy
  • Bonus maximum of up to 60%
  • No need for verification of the vehicle in the event of fire or theft
  • Coverage of 100% of the value of the vehicle, as if it were new, during the first two years of the vehicle's life. Coverage of 80% and 70% for the third and fourth year respectively.

Additionally, if you already have BS Auto Protection, we can offer you an additional 5% discount for your second and third vehicle.


Options and coverage

There are three modalities to chose from: basic range, medium range and top range.

Auto Protection
  Basic Medium Top
Third party
Travel assistance
Damage defence and claims
Fully comprehensive (own damages) with or without franchise    

Complementary guarantees:

  • Occupants insurance: exclusive coverage for all the occupants of the vehicle in the event of an accident with the following capitals:
    • Death: 18,000€
    • Disability: 18,000€
    • Medical attention: 3,000€
  • Accessory insurance: automatic coverage for music accessories of first risk of 180€ without the need for express declaration.

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