Tax and social security payments

Do it the easiest and simplest way: online.
- Save time on red tape; no need to make a trip. .
- No timetables: you can do it whenever it suits you.
- Hassle-free: you just have to enter your basic information.
- With the utmost security: with payment confirmation and NCR [full reference number].
What taxes can I pay?
You can pay the most important national, autonomous regional and municipal council taxes online: VAT, Personal Income Tax (IRPF), Corporate income tax, Inheritance Tax, National and Autonomous Regional levies, and special taxes, among others.
And in only a few steps: identify yourself on the website, select the tax you want to pay and state the amount, the taxpayer's details and the tax return information.
How to pay a tax or a social insurance contribution:
- Identify yourself with your user name and password, then click on the “Paying Taxes” area. .
- Select make a payment from the list of options
- Fill in the requisite fields based on the payment letter (account to be debited, tax form, the relevant item on the drop-down list, receipt number, etc.)
- A confirmation screen will appear and you will be issued with a receipt of payment. If paying taxes to the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT), you will be issued with a Full Reference Number (NRC), which will be your receipt of payment, and which, depending on the form, you will have to send to the Tax Agency by means of a digital certificate or by using a Cl@ve Pin.

How to change the direct debit of a tax or a social insurance contribution:
If you have already set up a direct debit payment in a different bank, you can ask the bill issuer to switch the direct debit to your account with Banco Sabadell.