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Get a personalisable calendar free of charge just for trying out your BS Online code card

For your security, in any operation made via the BS Online distance banking service you will be asked for one of the codes on the back of the code card you received by post and activated.

To discover how it works, we invite you to try it out. Enter your username and access code (the one you use now in your current distance banking service), keep your BS Online code card to hand and follow the instructions. It will take you less than a minute.

Just for carrying out this simple test, you will get an exclusive calendar you can personalise with your most important dates and collect from the branch you choose.


Remember that the offer of a free calendar will end in fifteen days.
Offer limited to 1,500 units

Telefono Landing Autorregistro     We are at your disposal 24 hours every day on 902 100 081.