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Civil Liability Protection

Product General Civil Liability Insurance from Zurich Insurance plc, Subsidiary in Spain
Protect your own assets and those of your company

Responsabilidad Civil

This insurance policy is aimed at companies, retail businesses or freelancers that wish to cover third party losses for which they might be civilly liable while carrying out their business.

At Banco Sabadell we invest our effort and experience in building a safe business in all its areas and especially in those that ensure your peace of mind, with our products offering:

  • A personalised telephone helpline exclusively for Banco Sabadell customers (902 108 637)
  • Flexible cover and capital limits depending on the business and company's requirements
  • Maximum guarantee in service and customer satisfaction
  • A team of specialists to serve you.

  • Advantages

    There are many advantages of this policy, particularly its extensive cover of risks:

    • for material damage or bodily injury caused while carrying out tasks involved in the business
    • for accidental bodily injury caused to workers
    • for accidental bodily injury or material damage caused after delivering work, as well as cover for defence costs and civil bonds and flexibility in the capital to be insured, being able to choose from various options that will guarantee the cover your company needs.

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  • Cover

    Civil Liability Protection offers you a wide range of cover:


    • General Operations Liability
    • Employer Liability
    • Finished Work Liability
    • Product Liability
    • Defence and bonds

    Other Additional Cover:

    • Liability for Combined and Mixed Products
    • Product Withdrawal Liability
    • Accidental Contamination Liability
    • You can guarantee a limit of capital per loss that is different to the limit per annual period

    Subject to the terms and conditions established in the policy.

  • Freelance Civil Liability

    Special offer for Freelance Workers:
    This specific offer means we can insure our self-employed customers against liability resulting from third party claims while carrying out their business, covering various sectors from education to construction. Ask at your branch:

    Special Offer for
    Special Offer for
    the Construction Industry
    • Freelance carriers

    • Cleaning of business premises, offices,
      homes, gardens and swimming pools

    • Floor and marble polishers

    • Hairdressers

    • Freelance teachers, babysitters, sports
      instructors, domestic social services
    • Consultants on tax, law, labour and/or accounting matters

    • Property agents

    • Estate managers

    Activities related to secondary construction
    (not affecting the structure):

    • Carpenters
    • Glazers
    • Locksmiths
    • Painting and decorating interiors
    • Installers of:
      • Low tension electricity
      • Air conditioning
    • Electricians
    • Bricklayers and reforms without affecting the structure
    • Facings for floors and walls

    Special offer for Directors:  Directors and Officers Protection Insurance 

  • Experts in management

    Civil Liability Protection provides you with a global response to your insurance requirements via an expert team in assessing and providing what your company needs.

    We offer you easy, fast administration with the most practical advantages:

    • Specialised advice on everything related to your company
    • Minimal paperwork and easy to take out, at any Banco Sabadell branch.

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