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Decennial Protection

BS Decennial Protection

Protección Decenal

The decennial guarantee is an insurance that during a ten year period covers material damages that buildings could suffer due to construction faults that affect the structural elements and compromise the resistance of the building.

The Law 38/1999, of November 5, of Building Standards, that entered into force on May 6, 2000, contemplates the obligation of formalising an insurance policy that affects constructions of buildings for housing that request a licence as of May 6, 2000.

Services and advantages

  • Advising on the prevention of disasters
  • Maintenance management of the policy
  • Quality guarantees of service for the whole offer
  • Integral disaster management that is fast and efficient
  • Study of a personalised offer that is adapted to your company's requirements without costs or any obligation.
  • Contribution and flexible and simple contracting via our offices
  • Flexibility in the offer via the recruitment of a basic cover and the possibility of extending it with several optional covers
  • The product is commercialised via Mapfre Industrial, a prestigious and recognised company in the Spanish insurance market.


The basic cover (material damages that buildings could suffer due to construction defects that affect the structural elements and compromise the resistance) can be complemented with the following covers and services:

  • guarantee of waterproofing of roofs, basements and façades
  • guarantee of mechanical resistance and stability of façades that are not supported
  • abandonment of proceedings against contractor
  • contract management of the technical control authority

  • Texto Pestaña1

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