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Sabadell Inversor
  • Zugriff auf die Informationen, die Sie für Ihre Investmententscheidungen brauchen.

Investment funds

Investment funds

Fondos de Inversión

Diversification constitutes a basic aspect in the assessment and management of portfolios. An adequate diversification allows you to reduce the volatility of your portfolio and achieve more consistent results.

For this purpose, Banco Sabadell offers you a wide range of investment funds, both its own as well as those managed by other entities of recognised international prestige.


1. Banco Sabadell group funds

BanSabadell Inversión is a management company of collective investment institutions (IIC), registered on the CNMV (Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission) with number 58.

Your portfolio manager helps you select the funds that best adapt to your risk profile and financial objectives and finds the optimum combination of funds for your portfolio.

Investment fund offer of BanSabadell Inversión.


2. Funds of foreign managers

If you would like more information regarding managed foreign funds offered by Banco Sabadell please contact your asset manager.

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