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Basic payment account

A basic bank account for people who have no other accounts with any other banks.

Cuenta de pago básica

Manage your money and carry out basic banking transactions, without any commitments, easily with our basic payment account: cash withdrawals, transfers, direct debit of bills, access to your online banking, etc.

This account may only be held by natural persons legally resident in the European Union, as well as asylum seekers or people whose expulsion is not possible for legal or de facto reasons, who undertake to use the account and the services linked to it exclusively for their private activity, and in no case for commercial, business, occupational or professional purposes.

Setting up a basic payment account does not require the purchase of any other product or service.

Account services

Through a basic payment account contracted with the bank, the holders will be able to access any of the products and services listed below:

  • Cash withdrawals by debit card at Banco Sabadell ATMs and branches, as well as making purchases without having to carry cash.
  • Domestic transfers and transfers to countries in the EU, including standing orders.
  • Direct debit of bills or direct debits (recurring or otherwise).
  • Debit card maintenance and issue. Execution of payment transactions using the card.
  • Electronic banking: to manage your account and make payments online.

Remuneration and service fees

Account administration and maintenance fee: 3 euros/month.

The account is settled on a quarterly basis (9 euros/quarter).

Representative examples of the Basic Payment Account
APR: -1.195% NIR: 0%, calculated on the assumption that an average balance of 3,000 euros is maintained constantly for 1 year; APR: -3.552% NIR 0%, calculated on the assumption that an average balance of 1,000 euros is maintained constantly for 1 year. The APR will vary according to the average balance amount.

Customers who are recognised as being in a situation of special vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion may request free access to the basic payment account (0% APR) and to the services indicated.
The condition must be met by all account holders, and they must provide the bank with all the documentation required to accredit such situation.

Representative example in the case of customers with special vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion

Example calculated for a case in which an average balance of 1,000 euros is maintained constantly for 1 year, applying an interest rate of 0% NIR, 0% APR and the administration and maintenance fee of 0 euros/year (0 euros/quarter).

Consult the informative document on fees

Procedure for opening a basic payment account

To open this account, the interested party must sign the corresponding opening contract at a Banco Sabadell branch and declare that he/she does not have any other payment account with another financial institution in Spain that would allow him/her to perform the services associated with this basic account.

In order to be able to do so, people who reside legally in the EU, including those with no fixed abode, must provide their identification document (DNI, passport or NIE).

Asylum seekers must provide a document accrediting their status as an applicant in the process of international protection, also known as a Red Card, their passport, if they have one, or an identification document from their country of origin, as well as financial documentation on the origin of the funds to be received (aid or benefits received from NGOs).

Likewise, those people who do not have a residence permit, but whose expulsion is impossible for legal or de facto reasons, must provide documentation that allows them to prove that situation, such as the application for the granting of the right to asylum, by means of the proof of application stamped by the National Police attached to their passport, or the document as an asylum seeker issued by the National Police, or that they have obtained refugee status and therefore have an identity document, and financial documentation on the origin of the funds to be received (aid or benefits received from NGOs).

Procedure for claims and dispute resolution

If the Account Holders wish to make a complaint or claim, they may contact the Bank's Customer Service (SAC), either through its branches or via its email address (SAC@sabadellatlantico.com). The use of this media must comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services or with any subsequent regulations that may replace or implement it, and you should therefore raise your complaint in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, which are available to you through the branches and the following Internet address: www.bancosabadell.com. Cardholders may, in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Regulations, submit any potential claims to the Bank’s Customer Ombudsman.

Complaints and claims expressly resolved by the CCS or by the Ombudsman, as well as those that are deemed to have been rejected (which are not concluded by express resolution, except in the case of acceptance, withdrawal, transaction or expiry), may be filed again to the complaints services of the Bank of Spain, the National Securities Market Commission and/or the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, in accordance with the provisions of Law 44/2002, on Financial System Reform Measures, as well as its implementing regulations or any regulations that may replace it. Claims submitted by users of the payment service in relation to the rights and obligations set out in items II and III of Royal Decree-Law 19/2018 of 23 November shall be resolved in accordance with the deadlines and in the manner provided in said royal decree-law.

Consumer disputes in the financial sector shall be resolved by means of the alternative dispute resolution entity for the area of this activity, the creation of which is provided for in the first supplementary provision of Law 7/2017 of 2 November, incorporating Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters, into Spanish legislation.

The Bank is not a member of the Consumer Arbitration Board.

Special situation of vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion

A customer shall be considered to be in a situation of special vulnerability or at risk of financial exclusion when:

The gross income, calculated annually and per family unit, does not exceed the following thresholds:

  • three times the multi-purpose public indicator of income (hereinafter, IPREM) for 12 payments, for persons who are not part of a family unit.
  • three times and a half the IPREM for people in a family unit with less than four members.
  • four times the IPREM for people in a family unit of four or more members or who have the status of large family.
  • • four times the IPREM in the case of family units who include a person with an officially recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
There is no direct or indirect ownership, or any secured right over real property, excluding the main residence, or secured ownership of commercial companies, by any of the members of the family unit.

The above requisites shall be exempt for victims of abuse or sexual exploitation.

Unmarried partners shall have the same status as unmarried spouses who are not legally separated, if they have been formed in accordance with the requirements applicable to them.

Proof of special situation of vulnerability

To prove the special situation of vulnerability or risk of financial exclusion, the customer must provide the following documentation:

Number of people that make up the family unit by means of the family book or document as proof of registration as a domestic partner.

Receipt of income by the members of the family unit by providing:

  • Certificate of income and, if applicable, certificate of property tax for the last financial year.
  • Last 3 payrolls.
  • Certificate issued by the managing body of the unemployment benefits or allowances.
  • Certificate as proof of social welfare benefit income, minimum work placement income or similar social assistance benefit granted by the Autonomous Communities and local bodies.
  • In the case of self-employed workers, a certificate issued by the managing body showing the monthly amount received if they were receiving the benefit for cessation of activity.
If this documentation is not available, the customer must provide a report indicating the composition of the family unit, or a report stating the suitability for access to a free basic payment account, issued by the social services of the city council where the customer is registered.

The recognition or refusal of the free status shall be communicated, in writing and free of charge, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of the complete provision of the requested information, and the free status shall be recognised once this period has elapsed without any communication having been sent to the customer. Similarly, this letter will provide information on the right to file a complaint against the refusal.


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