Entrust your investment to a team of professionals
Discover our discretional management service of BS Fondos Gran Selección portfolios

- In accordance with your risk profile and expectations of return, choose between the 5 investment strategies that best suit you.
- Our team of professionals decide and manage where to invest your money so you don’t have to worry.
- Recoup your investment in whole or in part, without any type of penalty
as from the sixth month.
What is BS Fondos Gran Selección?
It is our discretional portfolio management service. This means you delegate the decision of how to invest your money to our team of professionals which they do in accordance with your risk profile. In other words, it means entrusting your investment to a team of experts with over 30 years experience, so you don’t have to worry.
How can I know whether this type of fund suits me?
- If you want to entrust the investment decisions to a team of professionals so as not to worry.
- If you want to recoup your investment in full or in part whenever you want. Bear in mind there is a 2% commission if the fund cancelled or surrendered before the first month or 1% if before the first 6 months. Withdrawing the money before the recommended time horizon may increase the risk of losing capital
- If you would like to closely follow the situation of your investment. Every month we send you a summary of the situation of your investment, the transactions and the results you’re obtaining.

Strategy Selección 10
Strategy Selección 25
Strategy Selección 50
Strategy Selección 75
Strategy Selección 90
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