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Pimec offers a web based self-diagnosis tool for Catalan small and medium size enterprises, easy to access and complete, so as to evaluate your economic and financial scenario plus comparisons with companies in the same sector of a similar size.

How does it work?

  • You need to have to hand the annual accounts filed with the mercantile register ( standard form or The embedded asset has been deleted:
    Asset Type: GBS_Multimedia_FA
    Asset Id: 1191349866823
    PAGENAME: SabAtl/GBS_Multimedia_FA/GBS_documentoDetalle
  • Fill in the form with 21 fields.
  • Each field on the form is identified with a numerical code which appears on the standard form for the filing of accounts with the mercantile register ( see standard forms).
  • Estimated time for entering details: From 5 to 10 minutes

What do you get?

Your positioning compared to companies in the same sector and size as regards profitability, productivity and solvency.

The average values per company of the annual accounts of all the companies in your sector and of your size.


The details entered will only be used for calculation purposes. They are then eliminated.