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Request for information on travel to religious and pilgrimage destinations

Exclusively for customers of Banco de Sabadell, S.A.

Banco Sabadell

I am interested in receiving information about trips to religious destinations and pilgrimages marketed by Viajes el Corte Inglés, S.A. under terms and conditions exclusively for customers of the Bank.

* Compulsory Fields
Personal information


1.- Service Information

Banco de Sabadell, S.A. has a collaboration agreement with VIAJES EL CORTE INGLÉS, S.A. to offer exclusive terms and conditions to the Bank's customers for trips to religious and pilgrimage destinations.

The contracting and marketing of the trip is directly with VIAJES EL CORTE INGLÉS, S.A., on a voluntary basis, without any participation or responsibility on the part of the Bank, and the final price and applicable conditions shall be those agreed with VIAJES EL CORTE INGLÉS.

The travel service is completely independent and the contracting of this service does not affect nor is it linked to the contracting or conditions of any product or service of the Bank. Under no circumstances shall the contracting of the trip imply any amendment, change or alteration of any contractual relationship established now or in the future with Banco de Sabadell, S.A.

2. Personal data protection policy

  • Banco de Sabadell, S.A. will necessarily communicate the data provided in this application to Viajes el Corte Inglés, S.A. with registered office at c/ Hermosilla, 112 Madrid, which, as the data controller, will process the data in order to contact you and provide you with the requested information on their products and services under the exclusive conditions for Banco Sabadell customers.
  • The legitimate basis for the processing and communication of data, if the applicant is acting on his/her own behalf, is the application itself, and if the applicant is acting on behalf of a legal person, on the basis of the application and the legitimate interest.
  • You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, erasure and other data protection rights by duly identifying yourself and notifying the Bank's Data Protection Rights unit at its registered office at Avda. Óscar Esplá, núm. 37, 03007 Alicante or at its offices or via the following email address: Ejercicioderechosprotecdatos@bancsabadell.com.
  • Contact details of the Data Protection Officer: a) DataProtectionOfficer@bancsabadell.com.
  • Additional information: "Detailed information on the personal data protection annex" published on www.bancsabadell.com (section "Information for customers") or at any of the Bank's branches.

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Personal information

First name: *
First surname: *
Second surname:
Identification: *
Institution to which you belong: *
Mobile phone: *
Best time to contact you:
E-mail address: *
Email confirmation: *
I have read and accept the Service Information and Personal data protection policy *